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Rad140 doesnt replace a test base. Testolone (rad-140) - click here for legal testolone online. Sarms like ostarine, andarine, acp-150, and possibly even ligandrol and testolone can be run without a testosterone base. But if you want to cycle some of. Sarms never need a test base and this should never be advised to anybody who wants to just run a sarms stack and doesn't want to take the leap. My boy was going to run a 8-12 week rad140 only cycle around 15-20mg/day. I told him about potential suppression without a test base and the. A test base is never necessary, but it can help offset lethargy that is common on cycle. Personally, no sarm has ever given me any lethargy, so. Do you need it? no but it'll sure help you feel better once suppression sets in (usually somewhere between 4-6 weeks). Truthfully, if someone is. In other words, testolone has anabolic effects on muscle tissue without. A presumptive diagnosis of sarm rad-140-induced acute myocarditis was


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版权声明:test22081866 发表于 2022-12-01 03:51。
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