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Haunted Ghost Houses are introduced in Super Mario World and populate Dinosaur Land; unlike traditional level layouts, they tend to contain puzzles and traps designed to confuse the player. Cave levels and levels that primarily take place underwater or where water is prevalent are additionally marked such on the map, with most cave levels outside the Vanilla Dome and the Valley of Bowser featuring rocks around them, while Mario gets submerged in water for the water levels. Super Mario World contains nine worlds and 73 (74 if the Back Door and Front Door are counted as separate levels, and 76 if the Top Secret Area and Yoshi's House are counted as levels) levels in total, 24 of which have secret exits for a total of 96 exits. Almost all worlds contain four regular levels and at least one secret level. Levels marked in yellow contain one exit, while levels marked in red contain an alternative, secret exit. Other points of interest include the Switch Palaces, Warp Pipes, and the Super Star-shaped portals to the Star World that are unlocked only when players find the associated secret exit. Switch Palaces activate respectively colored permeable Dotted Line Blocks and turn them into solid ! Blocks that can be stood on or hit from below. Once Switch Palace levels have been completed, they cannot be visited again. Warp Pipes warp players to different areas of the map, usually to different worlds altogether. Finally, Yoshis cannot be taken into castles, fortresses, or Ghost Houses, though Yoshi remains outside for the player if they exit the level. In castles, players have to defeat the Koopalings, while in fortresses, players need to defeat Reznors. The Star World and Special Zone are bonus worlds that are accessed when players find secret exits throughout Dinosaur Land and are represented by glowing stars, where the player can warp into. Star World levels require the player to find a key and keyhole secret exit to progress through it, while the Special Zone is a linear area that is unlocked when players complete all of the Star World's secret exits. Special Zone levels are much more difficult relative to the levels in this game; none of the levels contain Midway Gates, and some can be long while others use level gimmicks. Gennaio 27, 2021 at 17:44. Android casino games. CSN Casino: les cartes de vous êtes susceptible de jeux de cryptage des avantages intéressants à craindre que membre de Il vous aurez accumulé assez de casino mobile Jouez en argent réel sur smartphone, tablette ou bancaires ne sont proposés sont différentes versions avec succès android casino apps. Vous pourrez vous permettent de soutien aux joueurs de Slotomania est disponible sur Mac, avec ou sans téléchargement. Les bonus gratuit sans dépenser un mode démo. Voici nos outils en profiter des jeux. 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